The 5 most common methods for making money online.

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The 5 most common methods for making money online.

Freelancing – The first most basic way to make money online is by freelancing (in other words, getting paid to make websites for other people). It’s the way I got started in this whole business. More and more people need websites on a daily basis, yet most people never even look into how to make a website at all. If they did, they would realize that putting up a basic (yet professional) website is a simple process that takes less than an hour total and requires no knowledge of coding at all. The very first lesson I teach on my website is the making of Mike Omar Photography (you can watch my video lessons on how I made that website for free on videos that are right on the homepage of that website).

You start charging people $500 per website to make yourself some extra money! When I first learned how to make a website with WordPress, I used to post my services on Craigslist daily, and I would get at least two to three gigs per month. You could simply make your website or If you decide to go this route, here is some freelancing adviceto help you get started. 🙂

If you want to make money online, you need to learn how to make a website, plain and simple. Your first website project may as well be a website advertising your new website-making skills!

To build your first website or blog, follow the instructions on my free video found here:

How to Make a Website or Blog without Coding using WordPress

If you are having trouble getting your first website or blog up, send me an email and I will personally help you set it up!

Blogging – Blogging is one of the most common methods for making money online today, and one of the easiest to get started with.

Blogs have the potential to be unbelievably powerful. Never in the history of mankind has such a valuable, simple, and inexpensive tool existed for exploring topics, sharing ideas, connecting with others, and building businesses.

I never dreamed that blogging would lead to more personal and business opportunities, financial success, and clarity of mind and purpose than anything else in my life…but it has.

Blogging, combined with the power of social media, is one of the most powerful tools for massive exposure that exists today…and it’s virtually free.

Let me put it this way: Everyone needs to have a blog. The potential upside of having one is just too great to ignore.

Not only will a blog offer you opportunities in all kinds of unexpected and immeasurable ways, the writing will force you to organize your thoughts and analyze topics in ways that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

In other words: The benefits that come from blogging will surprise you…over and over again.

Once your blog has either a) consistent search engine traffic or b) an established and loyal readership (preferably both!), the potential for making money is huge. I cover the most basic monetization techniques for blogs in this very same newsletter.

Go ahead and make yourself a blog about your favorite hobby or one that follows your experiences with building an online business – personal blogs that develop a regular readership make A LOT of money.

If you’d like to learn how to build a blog about a topic you love, develop a loyal readership, and make money online doing it, completely step-by-step in book (also available on Kindle) form, click here!

Google Adsense – This is the simplest monetization method for a passive income website. Basically, you put the Adsense code on your website, people click on the links, and you get paid for every click.  Then you receive a check from Google at the end of the month depending on the number of clicks.  Plain and simple (in my next newsletter I will explain the entire process behind how Google Adsense works and why Google is one of the richest and most powerful companies in the world).

This method USUALLY makes you the least amount of money of all passive monetization techniques (although in some cases it is the only viable option).  That is why you make your initial monetization technique Adsense (to get a foundation eCPM [eCPM is earnings per 1000 impressions] with which to compare the rest of your results from testing).

Once you understand the process of keyword research and Search Engine Optimization, I show you how to make this Sample Passive Income website that is primarily monetized with Google Adsense in my video series.

If you build lots of these types of websites, the amount of money you can make passively is pretty much limitless. To learn how to build a $5,000 per month passive income website portfolio by building 10 of these websites, completely step-by-step in book form (also available on Kindle), click here!

Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, and Other Affiliate Programs -With these programs, you put an affiliate link on your website (this is a link pointing to another website with your tracking ID on it).  Then if someone clicks on that link, whatever they buy from that site, you get a commission on (the tracking cookies vary in length, but it could be anything they buy in the next 24 hours to anything they buy in the next 30 days depending on the program).  This method is a little more complicated to make money from, but if you do it right, you can do VERY well.  This is because so many people go to whatever website from your affiliate link to buy that one product you recommended, but then they decide to do some extra shopping and buy a whole bunch of stuff.  That means you get commission on THE ENTIRE PURCHASE!

This method works best for websites where you recommend and review products OR websites where your search engine traffic is highly targeted (i.e. you rank #1 for “toaster ovens” and your website is a bunch of toaster oven reviews with links to Amazon where they can buy them).  It also works on blogs you have where you have a regular readership that trusts your opinion and you recommend specific products (using your affiliate link).  Websites that are monetized with affiliate links make a KILLING during Christmas (my Amazon websites will make me more in November, December, and January than they do the rest of the year).

Informational Product Websites – These are websites where you sell your own downloadable product.  This could be an ebook, software, a video series, or any other product. Basically if you are an expert in any field that people are looking for information on, you can put together an information product on it (and use whatever medium works best – for making money online, a video series works best).  Then put up a website that tells people why the product you made has value.  Making a salespage for a product like this is easy with a theme like OptimizePress. Then you can use something like PayPal to charge for your product and then redirect them to a download page after, so it is pretty much a hands-free operation.

There are several third party credit card processing companies you can use to do this (including PayPal), but I personally like to use ClickBank and this is why: ClickBank allows other people to become an affiliate for you very easily.  This means that other people can send traffic to my website, and if that person buys a product, I give them a portion of the profit.  I like to participate in this program for all my informational product websites and give affiliates a generous 75% commission.  I like to participate in the affiliate program because even though I’m giving up a portion of the profits, those are sales I wouldn’t have had otherwise.  It’s a win-win.

On my website, in the more advanced lessons, I teach you the entire creation of this Sample Digital Product Sales Page website.  My very first ebook website that I put up years ago was How to Become a Ticket Broker, and it continues to make me passive income to this day.

Note: Become an affiliate for my ticket broker ebook by signing up at ClickBank (free to sign up), and you will earn 75% off of every single sale made!

Membership Websites – Membership sites are probably the most complicated ones to start and become successful with, but if you can gain some momentum, these websites will make you the easiest and most consistent money out of any of them!  This is basically a website where each member has to pay a monthly fee to gain access.  If you charge $30/month to be a member of your website and you have 100 members, that’s a steady $3,000 per month, and depending on the type of site you run, you may not have to do anything but maintenance (and you’d probably want to promote too, for more easy money…I mean members!).  Include a forum within the website (not hard to do with a WordPress plugin) and some kind of service that keeps them wanting to stay members, and you’re set – your new focus becomes getting more members while maintaining the site.  And you can offer an affiliate program too so current members can send you new members that you wouldn’t ha ve gotten otherwise.

Those are some of the most common ways for making money online that don’t involve shipping physical products (which are E-commerce Websites –  yet ANOTHER method for making money online!).  The possibilities for making money online are truly endless, and I show you how to make all of these kinds of websites in detail on the LIONS CLUB website.

Hope this clears the fog a little bit and gives you a taste of how this entire “make money online” thing actually works!  The rest of the newsletter lessons will be much more detailed, instead of this broad overview. 😉

Mike Omar 

Register for my video course(s) on Udemy (100% free) 

If you have any questions about this email, feel free to reply and I will answer you as quickly as I can!

Note: I have made this automated newsletter using AWeber. No website (or Facebook fan page, etc.) is complete until it has a sign up form to collect email addresses (otherwise, you’re leaving money on the table). Every business in the world should have an email list, as well as a newsletter they send out on a regular basis. No matter what kind of online website you have (business website, personal blog, etc.), get a sign up form on there and start collecting emails immediately (even if you don’t have a clear idea of what you’re going to do with that mailing list yet). One of the most common regrets of anyone with an online presence is “not having started collecting emails sooner.” 

AWeber is hands down the most powerful (and affordable / easy to use) email marketing tool for managing and growing automated mailing lists. It is also the most effective tool I have when I need to communicate to my entire audience all at once about anything at all. I highly recommend starting a mailing list as soon as you start your online business, no matter what your goals are. I have a video lesson that shows you how to use AWeber here


You can also learn my entire Make Money from Home LIONS CLUB lesson plan in book form (also available on Kindle)! To learn how to build a $5,000 per month passive income website portfolio, completely step-by-step in book form, click here.

You may also be interested in my book that teaches you how to start a profitable blog (also available on Kindle). It has similar principles as my other book, but the overall strategy is different. If you’d like to learn how to build a blog about a topic you love, develop a loyal readership, and make money online doing it, click here

My personal website portfolio is made up of both of these types of businesses (generic passive income websites and cared-for blogs), and I suggest you build both kinds of websites for your business as well.

About the LIONS CLUB:

The Make Money from Home LIONS CLUB was founded by me (Mike Omar) to help people learn how to make money from home and escape their dependence on an outside job. Remember that the goal here is not only to make money from home, but to gain FREEDOM and TOTAL AUTONOMY.  The more money you can make on your own, the closer you are to never having a boss or a work schedule or limited vacation time again.

Navigating my website:

About – The about page is my FAQ page answering who I am, why I created the LIONS CLUB, how my free online school works, how to get the most out of it, and other common questions.

My Story – Here you can read my story about how I went from a corporate drone to broke and unemployed to a full time passive income earner.

Resources – This page lists the best tools I’ve come across to build my online business. I would recommend bookmarking this page for future reference. Every important tool I’ve come across and used regularly to develop my online income is on this page.

Required Reading – Here are some of my most highly recommended books ever, for financial success, personal philosophy, and good ol’ pleasure reading. It’s really hard to not keep adding books, so I narrowed it down to my absolute favorites.

Inspiration – This is a list of the top 20 earning blogs online today.

Action Plan – Here is my step-by-step, 100% free, video series on how to make money online, with an intended initial goal of $5,000 / month in passive income.

High Quality Outsourcing – My services website where you can outsource the entire SEO backlinking process through my personal team.

A few things you should know about my blog and newsletter:

·  I will never share your email address with anyone for any reason.

·  You will never get more than three or four emails from me per month.

·  The information in the newsletter cannot be found on my blog.

·  All the information in my newsletter and on my blog is, and always will be, 100% FREE.

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